Saturday, December 29, 2012


Berdiri Di Kejauhan
Seperti Peri
Yang Turun Dari Khayangan
Membuat Tertohok
Orang Yang Melihatnya

Dia Bagaikan Mutiara Langka
Mungkin Hanya Satu Dalam Satu Abad
Membuat Orang Yang Menemukannya
Akan Pasti Terbeliak Matanya

Jikalau Aku Seorang Pengembara di Gurun
Pastilah Kau Oasis di Tengah Gurun
Bukan Fatamorgana Belaka
Namun Nyata Apa Adanya
Kehadiranmu Menyenangkan Hati
Senyumanmu Segarkan Perasaan
Canda Tawamu Bersihkan Permasalahan

Seperti Bintang
Walau Banyak Cahaya Di Siang Hari
Sinarmu Tetap Terlihat
Disaat Gelap
Sinarmulah Yang Terangkan Langitku
Sinarmu Tak Akan Pernah Padam
Tak Peduli Apapun Cuacanya

Mungkin Saja Mereka Berkata
Aku Mengada-ada
Aku Hanya Tersenyum
Karena Aku Tahu Apa Yang Kukatakan
Dan Apa Yang Kurasakan
Mereka Hanya Ingin Tahu
Kau Nyata, Millyona

P.S : Nih! puisinya buat lo. Semoga ngerti kiasan-kiasan dan artinya ya hahaha. oiya,sebelumnya maap nih nyolong photo nya dari Instagram :P (biar bagus nih). Oh, BTW Happy Birthday yaa qaqa :D anggep aja ini hadiahnya ya :P, mana tau suka. hoho peace :D

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Stepping on the gas
Driving so fast
The road is empty
As people has already closed their day

Driving without destination
My heart has taken all the control
I couldn't do anything
I just let the moon following me

Smokes are flowing from my mouth
Tears dry in a flash because of the wind
There was no voice of a boy crying
But he definitely could hear it
From inside of his heart

The moon still following him
Watching him driving around
Smoking while he's crying
But the moon remain silent
Saying nothing

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer Love

Summer is coming
Its near now
And everyone is joy for it
But not me

I remember that summer
When we used to cuddle up
Wake up calls
Guess things were changed now

I live for the future
I dont want to see the past
Can I just enjoy this summer?
 I dont want to feel that again

Monday, June 18, 2012

Used To

You used to be my world
My whole life
You were the song
that I played over and over

You used to be the one
That lighten my days
You used to be the one
That carry me to sleep

Your scent
Was my favorite perfume
Your hug
Used to be my Favorite

That was one of
A heart pumping moment
For me.....

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Staring at the stars
It was such a clear night
A glimpse of a star
Caught my eyes right away
It was beautiful

You know
It is hard to reach them

Monday, April 9, 2012


Uncle said
"Dig deeper and you shall find"
While in my case
I dug dipper but nothings there

So I left
But that was the problem
I should keep on digging
and never give up

That depth that I created
Was the main point out of it...

Monday, February 13, 2012

That Moment

Rose petals scattered around
The proposing wasn't work well
The man returned to his misery
Can't do nothing
Absolutely nothing

Like a waterfall
The tears flowing out
Forces this man to wipe it from his cheeks
Can't do nothing
Perfectly lonely