Friday, June 28, 2013


The image of strict and cold politician disappeared when we had the chance to meet Dr. Zulkieflimansyah at his residence in BSD, Tangerang (6/6). He wore a white t-shirt with brown trousers. He put down his smartphone when he saw us, then he smiled as he greeted us warmly. However, beside the his relaxed attitude, Pak Zul, that is how we address him, said that he is more happy if people do not talk about his privacy. He state that with serious expression.

Pak Zul was born in Sumbawa Besar, May 18 1972. He got Bachelor of Economics degree from Faculty of Economi, University of Indonesia. He also finished his postgraduate in Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde in United Kingdom.  On 1997, he got MSc degree in International Marketing from Department of Marketing, while on 1998 Pak Zul also followed postgraduate program in Industrialization, Trade, and Economic Policy in Department of Economics. Pak Zul finally finished his doctoral studies in the same department on 2001. Up until now, while becoming the politician in People’s Consultative Assembly and People’s Representative Council (MPR/DPR) in Senayan, Pak Zul also still teaches in University of Indonesia for under graduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies. Pak Zul comes from Prosperous Justice Party (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera/PKS) and he is in Comission of VII for energy and mineral.

Even though Pak Zul stated that he does not like if his privacy is being exposed, but his website already becomes the appropriate and complete source about him. On this website, the visitors can find some news related with Pak Zul, video, and even his schedule as the politican in MPR/DPR. Furthermore, Pak Zul also stated that he taught students overseas because at the same time he also studied there, but it can be seen that education becomes his main attention.
Surprisingly, Pak Zul allowed us to visit one of his schools in BSD, Sinar Cendekia. However, he admitted that Sinar Cendekia is the result of collaboration from many parties.  Besides Sinar Cendekia, Pak Zul also becomes the rector for Sumbawa University of Technique (Universitas Teknik Sumbawa/UTS). When we got there, the combination between Arab and modern decorations became our main attraction.  

“Let’s go to my office,” he said. Do not imagine an ordinary office room with the desk and stacks of paper because Pak Zul’s office is “only” a gazebo made from bamboo with the bookshelves with many English books surrounding inside the gazebo. In front of the Pak Zul’s office, there is the overlay of land filled with cornfield and horses.

Yes. One of students’ in Sinar Cendekia’s extracurricular is riding the horse. Not only that, there are cows, hens, and even rabbits. There is also a river that limits between Pak Zul’s office and the land. “All of the horses are from Sumbawa,” he explained. At first he had the stable in Ciputat, but because of the traffic in Tangerang, he then moved all of his horses to the land behind the school. The air in this school is so fresh; it seems that we are in the village.
Education seems to be the other side of Pak Zul. We admit that Sinar Cendekia has different approach on enriching the nation, because besides the international curriculum, all of the students in this school also have to have good relationship with the nature. That is something that only certain schools in Indonesia can have.

Speaking of credibility of being the member of People’s Consultative Assembly and People’s Representative Council (MPR/DPR), Pak Zul is very credible of being that. It shows from the degrees that he owns. Base on what degrees that he held, we could tell that Pak Zul is a very intelligent and smart man. To be a representative in People’s Consultative Assembly and People’s Representative Council (MPR/DPR) who represents the people who will solve this country’s problems, it’s a must for the member of the People’s Consultative Assembly and People’s Representative Council (MPR/DPR) to be as Intelligent as possible

Another Reason why Pak Zul is a very credible man of being the member of People’s Consultative Assembly and People’s Representative Council (MPR/DPR) is how he answered my question regarding on how member of People’s Consultative Assembly and People’s Representative Council (MPR/DPR) should be like. He stated, “to be in the member of People’s Consultative Assembly and People’s Representative Council (MPR/DPR), one must be filled with content. Without contents, how can they solve this country’s problems? That is why I studied hard; I studied abroad to get that content which I can use now to help solving this country’s problem. Now can you imagine if the member of People’s Consultative Assembly and People’s Representative Council (MPR/DPR) who doesn’t have that contents that are required to solve this country’s problem? They will be all sleeping inside the building without helping anything. The country’s problem is not a light problem. “

By seeing the answer that Pak Zul gave to us, we can easily say that Pak Zul is a capable person to help the country’s solve its problem. With that being said, Pak Zul is definitely considered as the person who has the contents and is the right person to sit in the building of People’s Consultative Assembly and People’s Representative Council (MPR/DPR) as the member of it.