Monday, October 17, 2011


The queen has decided
The war flag has been brought down
The prince returned
Seeing the new flag that has been raised

She was the spirit to the prince
She was the cure that prince need
Now the war is over
The prince will remain alone
Just like the ordinary day

The queen is now no longer crown-less
She has her own crown now
The crown that she will proud to wear
The crown that the prince hate the most

Many strategies has been followed
Many words has been came out
A lot of tears and sweat has been dropped
For the crown that he chased
Has now fell for another King

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Start from the beginning
When I see a light
At the dark of my heart
She become the light
That lighten my heart

Her eyes,like a diamond,shiny
Her face,like a rainbow,colorful yet beauty
Her smile,like heaven,incomparable
Seems to be perfect,but yes she is

This love
Are like waterfall
Flowing so strong that I couldn't handle
So tense,so passionate

I maybe call you that
Yes,I want and I will be your prince

Monday, August 8, 2011


Aku seperti sebuah bintang
Yang berada di langit
Dunia antah berantah
Tak punya tujuan

Aku memiliki hal-hal
Hal-hal yang berguna bagi lingkungan
Aku bersinar
Aku menghangatkan
Aku menyayangi
Akulah hal yang di idamankan orang-orang

Tetapi tak selamanya aku bersinar
Tak selamanya aku Menghangatkan
Tak selamanya aku bisa hadir untukmu
Hidup ini keras
Tak bisa kau hanya duduk saja
Bersantai bermalasan
Kau harus berjuang
Walau itu menyakitkan terkadang
Kau harus tetap Berjuang
Agar kau pun menjadi

Friday, July 15, 2011


Setiap pagi hari
Kubangun dan kuingat namamu
Ingin rasa selalu bersamamu
Tak ingin lepaskanmu

Matahari pun tak selamanya bersinar
Ia akan tenggelam pada saatnya
Seperti yang kau lakukan
Menenggelamkan cintaku

Hanya saja
Waktumu tak tepat......
Betapa rapuhnya hati ini
Aku kan bangkit kembali
Namun jangan pernah berharap
Aku akan menyinari mu lagi

Karena sekarang kau sudah memiliki bulanmu
Aku tak akan sudi menjadi Gerhananya
Merugikan diri sendiri dan lainnya
Membuat hari mereka menjadi gelap
Hanya karena aku berusaha menyinarimu

Aku hanya berharap suatu saat nanti aku bisa menjadi mataharimu kembali
Menjadi bagian dari hidupmu yang kau butuhkan
Menjadi sinar yang membangunkanmu di pagi hari
Menjadi hangat yang menjagamu tiap saat.


Friday, July 8, 2011


I've never wanted anything
Like this before
So strong
I can't even deny it

Then it comes to you
You that I want the most
You that I wanted from long time ago
But I just couldn't reached it

Do I have to wait longer?
Or just Sit tight?
Or Crying in the night?
Or attempt a Suicide maybe?

I found the answer is hard to believe

Friday, June 24, 2011


There was a time
When I loved someone so much
Back in that day
She was like so warm
So friendly
So lovely

I don't know
If I'm a fool or what
I'm in love with someone
That I can't even have her

As time goes by
I decided to stop loving her
Now,my world is so black and white
Not colorful anymore
Up until now I think

Then I heard the news
Second after that
I knew my heart was broke,again
I took a breathe
Feel the pain inside

Why this shit always happen to me..........

This is one hell of a hurt

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

About 'Missing'

This is it
Here I am
Standing with nothing
Yeap,thought they forgotten me

You know
Even though
You're not in love
You can still feel it

Like me,now
Kinda miss seeing you
Your face
Your smile
Even though I can only see it from far
Gosh I miss you

But I know I know
I can't do anything about it
But,there's no wrong with HOPE
Right? :)
I'm really looking forward to see you
Even just for a blink

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The After Day

Day after day has passed
My heart still couldn't found the way
The way that maybe could lead to yours
Why is it so hard to find?

I prayed
I asked God to show me the way
And I believed that He will show me
If I take a little Patience

Day after day
Week after week
Slowly but sure
I left my 'death heart' behind

Now,with my new heart
I step forward
Looking for someone who's better than you
It takes time
But I know I have to wait
Even though I hate waiting

But,your hug
Your kiss
Your smile
Will always remain in my heart
I can't throw it away
Cause when I miss you
That's the only things I have

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Morning Haze

So I woke up early at the morning
After that night
I raised my body up
Walked to the balcony
Inhaled some great fresh morning air

I made a cup of hot coffee
I sat at the balcony
While enjoying the morning haze
The wind still cold,just like last night

I looked around
I couldn't see anything so clear
The fog was still thick
So I closed my eyes
The birds were singing beautifully
Its just relaxing

Couple minutes after
I opened My eyes
Waiting for the Sun to rise
Then I looked to the east
I found the sun
Rising slowly to the sky

I'm started to feel the warm of the sun
The sun shining so bright that I couldn't opened my eyes
I once again,had to closed my eyes
When I did
I saw a silhouette
I guessed its yours

Didn't want to open my eyes
Cause i knew I really wanted to see you
Even if its only your silhouette
Its okay.That's enough to make me smile

After a while
I opened up my eyes
I saw the haze has disappeared
I can see the world now
But there is one that I can't see
I can't see you now,and maybe forever

I know I'm nothing to your life
Maybe You've Forgotten me
But,its fine.
As long as you are in my heart.
I have a good reason to live


The Wind of The Night

When the Sun set
That is the time I started to live
The time I started to breathe
The time I opened my eyes to see the world

With some bravery and confidence
I stepped outside of my room
Wondering what shall I do today
But,I couldn't find any

Then I stepped outside of my house
Take a walk around it
The wind flowing
So cold,it throbbing my bones
I need to find my self a "warmer"

Look around
Couldn't find anything to make me any warm
Then I sat at walker's road
Imagining you
I felt warm
I felt comfort

But,that's not enough to make me warm
So I went back to my room
Then I started to think about you again
I felt so happy
I smiled for no reason
Then,I fell asleep thinking about you
You just delivered me to my most beautiful sleep

Guess I can't do it any longer
Because I can't even imagining you again
Every time I start it
His face block my Mind
Blocking that beautiful face of yours

Yeah,You belong to him now
So its clear for me to step back
Stop thinking about you
Cause I know,I don't deserve you
But,just to make it clear
My feeling for you won't ever change.
It will stay the same. Forever


Saturday, April 2, 2011


Like A Sun
We raise and shine everyday
We give warmness to people around us
We lighten those who needs light

Like A Moon
We are beautiful
We are shiny between the dark
We shine those who fall in the dark

Like An Air
We Can't Touch them
But yes we can feel them
Sometimes we have no idea what it is
But hell yeah we can feel it

Like Love
We can't explain what it is
But I'm very sure most of us can Feel it
Can Have it

So this is Life
Sometimes you don't Shine
Sometimes You've Been disliked
Sometimes They want you to disappear
But There's one thing we should always believe


So,Open your eyes
Open Your Heart
So you can clearly see and feel
That people around you

Maybe its not easy to see if someone loves you or not
Because Love is the one who like to play Hide-and-Seek
You have to find them....

Good Luck then fellas :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stella Gultom

Dear Stella bala bala
In This very special day
Valentine's Day
I'd Like to say i love you

As my Very Best Friend
You changed my life
You changed the way I see "love"
You changed the way i see everything
You Solve the problem that not even yours

Dear Stella
How could i live my life without you?
With all those chubby cheeks
A Loving Smile
An evil laugh
Your Bumper (HAHAHA)
And a lil bit of your "sok tau" things
Its like "the spices of your secret recipe"
A color to my Black-and-white world
Makes me can't get too far away from you
You know i can't get you out of my mind

As my life going through
You'll always be in my heart
Top Of the List
Of my wanted-to-kill list
You know what i mean
God Dammit I love you
You're really one in a 10 million.
I ran out of words.
So I hope that would be enough to explain my love to you

Best Friend of mine......Stella Gultom


Monday, January 10, 2011

Berharap Lebih

Menatap indahnya mentari di pagi hari
Seperti ada yang kurang
Mungkin kurang hangat tanpa cintamu

Mendengar kicau burung di Sore hari
Kurang Sempurna
Mungkin karena tak bisa kunikmati bersamamu

Seperti Matahari terbenam
Sangat sebentar untuk dinikmati
Hanya bisa berharap Hari terlambat jatuhnya
Ya.....Berharap Lebih

Hanya sebentar saja ku bisa merasakan kasihmu
Bahkan aku pun belum sempat menikmatinya
Hanya Bisa Berharap lebih dari yang pernah kau berikan
Aku mau Kasihmu lagi.
Tuk Hangatkan ku dari hari yang dingin
Berharap semua kembali seperti pada masanya

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Disaat hati ini bingung
Bingung dengan perasaan sendiri
Tak bia dijelaskan mengapa
Karena Cinta memang sebuah misteri

Saat ku berjalan
Menelusuri jejak cintaku
Kumelihat sesosok wanita
Rupawan nan Indah

Kubertanya dalam hati
Hey,siapa kamu??
Kamulah yang bisa membuat jantungku
Berdegup kencang
Kulitku Berkeringat dingin

Kucari tahu siapa kah engkau
Lalu kutau
Sepertinya takdir mempertemukan kita
Aku kerap memikirkanmu
Tak Henti Hentinya

:) akan selalu kuingat kau... "Bali"